An Urban Footprint in the New York Times

An Urban Footprint in the New York Times
A product I designed in Berkeley is being used to visualize cartography in Editorial by the New York TimesA few weeks ago my mother-in-law forwarded me an article in the It was about single-family zoning in American cities. It’s a converstaion we’ve been having about how unaffordable where we live is (I live in West Los Angeles, Venice specifically, a community that’s at the front lines of a housing crisis).
The article is Cities Start to Question an American Ideal: A House With a Yard on Every Lot), written By Emily Badger and Quoctrung Bui for the Upshot. The article begins with these maps:
The significance of those maps is that they were made with Urban Footrpint, an Urban Planning product I designed years ago at Calthorpe Analytics in Berekely, Ca.
It’s not every day you get so say you did something that ended up in the New York Times. A colleage told me once that you either end up on the frontpage because you did something really dumb or you died in a plane crash. Well, I did something good and still got there! #Winning
Here’s the digital homepage:
You can lean more about Urban Footprint (and see the UI I designed) by watching this demo: <p></p><p>6-Minute UrbanFootprint Demo</p>