Year in Review 2018
Writing / Drawing / Making Stuff
- Designed my first wine bottles for our good friends Megan, Max, and Rye at Marshak Winery. Check them out on Instagram.
- Wrote about writing more to start the year and then wrote less. Go figure.
- Wrote about how I think indy games have better websites here.
- Thinking out loud about all the things I was going to do with paternity leave. I did some of it.
- Wrote about watching my toddler interpret time. And put it into HTML columns (like those old things we called magazines) here. The magazine styling is a fun new feature of HTML that requires no CSS. Something like this used to be really difficult to do well.
- Made some cool space posters that I have no idea what I am going to do with. Spacey!
- On November 21st, at approximately 12:02am, our second son was born! His name is Rider Paisley Hanna.
- Quiller Beneze Hanna (the oldest son) turned two in August and is very much a two year old. I wrote a bit about him here.
- May 25th Erin and I will have been married FIVE years. She’s lovely and I’m reminded every day by her love and kindness how lucky I am to have our matrimony.
- I traveled a ton. Here’s a list of cities I’ve visited this year:
- Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada
- Oakland, CA
- San Bruno, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Orlando, FL
- Minneapolis, MN
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Austin, TX
- Chicago, IL
- Nevada City, CA
- Charolette, NC
- Denver, CO
- Place I didn’t get to go this year and I am sad about:
- Tulsa
- Albuquerque
- Brooklyn/NYC
- Ereka Springs
- St. Louis
- We launched BFV to a mixed results. I’ve played it and think it’s a pretty damn good squad based FPS game. It’s also beautiful to look at.
- We are launching a few exciting things early this year. Of the ones I can talk about, Anthem, launches in February. Hopefully we will make up for some of our companies recent lows.
- My work specifically has been focused on developing the online publishing capabilities of our somewhat freshly minted Newsroom. My biggest accomplishment this year has been brokering a relationship with Google to build AMP capabilities into our publishing platform. If you don’t know what AMP is take a look here.
The Personal Brand
- Updated with a EA box. Nothing in it yet but lots to document when I get around to it.
- Re-designed this site and really put a ton of work into it’s structure. Wrote a bit about how it works under the hood here.
- Here’s a little report on from my analytics.